People who are interested in losing weight
1. Stick with it until something better comes along
2. Take action only if they "feel like" doing it
3. Need to see results in order to stay motivated
4. Blame people or circumstances for their struggles
5. Easily give up when they face challenges
People who are committed to losing weight
1. Stick with their plans no matter what
2. Take action whether they feel like doing it or not
3. Assume that if they stay motivated, results will follow
4. Take responsibility for their own actions
5. Keep going in spite of challenges and setbacks
1. Stick with it until something better comes along
2. Take action only if they "feel like" doing it
3. Need to see results in order to stay motivated
4. Blame people or circumstances for their struggles
5. Easily give up when they face challenges
People who are committed to losing weight
1. Stick with their plans no matter what
2. Take action whether they feel like doing it or not
3. Assume that if they stay motivated, results will follow
4. Take responsibility for their own actions
5. Keep going in spite of challenges and setbacks
Interested vs. committed....is Interesting.lol I really never thought of it like that. I have been interested always...but have I been committed? Maybe not. I think that I start out interested....it turns into committed...and then fizzles back down to interested. I wonder if you could apply this theory to other things in life? Could you apply it to any battle...or relationship? Today...I feel as though I have been interested in a lot...and not committed to much. This time....I am committed to losing weight.
I have had some results already. I have worked out 3 days of the last 5...and I am down 2.5 lbs. I'm happy with that. I did need to see some result for the work I have put in over the last few days. It will be a week on Tuesday...so I'll reweigh then and have a true weekly update. As for now...I'm off to the Farmers Market to buy some fruits and veges...and maybe even some pretty flowers for my table. I loveeeee fresh flowers. :)