Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I would like a NORMAL life. (really just relaxation)

I would...for just once....for awhile even...like a normal life. Really I would. I would like some routine, and I would like no problems, and I would like things to just be made right...just for a little while. I would like everyone to be happy...and it doesn't even have to be giddy excited happy, just happy content. Just glad to be alive, just happy to be with their family, just...I don't know. (After re-reading...I realized....what I need is just to relax. I need time to relax. I need a massage...and I need to smell good candles, and soft music...and I need Calgon to take me away)

I feel full of complaints all of a sudden. Full of selfishness...and of course I feel like I deserve it. I feel like I give a lot, and I'd like more in return. I wrestle in my head with the idea of being selfish, and wish that I wasn't. I take things so personally sometimes. I say what I shouldn't, and don't say what I should....and I think I just better stop...and forget about it all...and know that I'm hormonal...and just let it go...let it go.

On another note...I sure need to go to the gym, if only to weigh. I would really like to know how much I've lost with my new pretty much no fat diet. I've very much decreased my intake as well, so it is all a good thing. :) Tomorrow I head to the surgeons office to see what he advises me to do about my gall bladder. So we'll see. As for now...I had better get back to homeschooling. Sara is doing really well, she is even learning cursive writing.

1 comment:

Doanz said...

I am thinking that if that is your definition of a "normal" life- I don't know a single person that has it. :) So, I guess we all would be the "norm", yes? Tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it- hang in their, bud, and schedule that massage!

A special account of the journey we go through to adapt a healthier lifestyle