Sunday, February 8, 2009

Upper Endoscopies are

Well...found the source of my medical issues. After a trip to the ER with severe chest/back pain, a few more bouts of that pain over the last week, 3 different medications, and upper endoscopy, and an abdominal ultrasound....I have gallstones. (Ned diagnosed this the first :) So that would be the source of my severe pain, that seems to pop up....well for me....whenever. I didn't know that something could hurt sooooo bad. So anyways...I should be getting my gall bladder out this week sometime. As far as the upper's wonderful to have a doctor know what he's doing and know how much medicine to give that one minute...I was feeling a little dizzy...and the next was completely over. :) Honestly...didn't even know that it happened. By the way...the little pic at the a plush gall bladder. He looks tooo cute to be causing me so much pain.

As far as has been non-existent because I'm afraid constantly that the pain will arrive, but my eating habits couldn't be better. A diet with almost no fat, is what has made me feel best. And as long as it keeps the pain to a minimum...then I'm good. :)

As far as the homeschooling....well I have all the curriculum now, so we are set. Now if I can just do it around'll be good.

Anyways...hope everyone of yours is doing well, and you were able to enjoy a beautiful weekend. We sure have. We have actually had a relaxing, family fun filled weekend with the girls. We looked around at the mall last night....and Nedster bought me some new shoes. :) I love shoes. :)

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A special account of the journey we go through to adapt a healthier lifestyle