Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day :)

So Valentines Day is coming to an end. I was unable to sleep once crawling in bed, so as Ned snores away...I have come downstairs. I watched the second half of "Jerry McGuire", and now have decided to blog a tiny bit.

The day started out early. Ned went to photograph with friends early. I waved goodbye to him at the door at 6a.m. I then made Valentine cookies shaped as hearts with brownie's in the center surrounded by frosting....YUMMMMY! I eventually woke the girls up and we went out to breakfast with my Mom, Ron, Jason, Natalie, and the kids. Following that we went to my nephew's 8th birthday party at Big Al's. The kids bowled and played arcade games. :) We had great fun. The girlies then went to Natalie's for the night. :)

I arrived home later in the afternoon, and Ned was home. He had some good luck with his photography. I also had a card and roses when I got home. :) We went to Black Angus for dinner, and it was wonderful. I tested my gall bladder a little too's not bothering me...yet. But if it does bother me later...I will deserve it. :( After coming home...we did some karaoke. that was funny. We even sang "I got you babe" as a about hilarious.

All in was a pretty good day. :) Happy Valentines to you. :)

1 comment:

Doanz said...

I am glad you had such a good time- with all the people that you love. :)

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